Parkes Phoenix

Successful Be Road Ready For Harvest Satellite Events

Participants at the Be Road Ready for Harvest Satellite Event that took place in Bogan Gate.

Over 50 farmers, contract harvesters, truck drivers and grain brokers attended the re­cent Be Road Ready for Harvest Satellite Events in Tottenham, Parkes, Wirrinya and Bogan Gate.

The events were supported by the Na­tional Heavy Vehicle Regulator, Trans­port for NSW, the Grain Transport Safety Network (GTSN), NSW Police, SafeWork NSW, NSW Rural Fire Service, Local Lands Services, NSW Farmers and the Parkes Show Society.

Parkes, Forbes and Lachlan Shire Coun­cils’ Road Safety and Injury Prevention Of­ficer, Melanie Suitor, said anecdotal feed­back from attendees was very positive.

“Regulations are constantly changing, so events like these are important to ensure we provide information about how to safely and legally move agricultural machinery, combi­nations and trucks on the road network in the lead up to the busy harvest period.

“We had presentations about conditional registration, auxiliary plates, fatigue, load restraint, mobile phone rules, chain of re­sponsibility, access, compliance as well as the Grain Harvest Management Scheme, last mile access to silos and the National Class 1 Agricultural Vehicle and Combina­tion Mass and Dimension Exemption No­tice.

“The highlight of the morning was the in­teractive activity, where we showed partici­pants how to use the quick reference guide for Class 1 Agricultural Notice to work out what the travel requirements would be for a header towing a front as well as various sized tractors towing implements.

“Participants took home windscreen stick­ers that can be attached to their machinery that acts as a quick reference for travel re­quirements such as pilots, lights and sig­nage.

“Harvest USBs and windscreen stickers will be distributed to local agricultural ma­chinery retailers and rural supply stores in late October” Ms Suitor said.

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