The recent “Be Road Ready for Harvest Field Day” held at the Forbes Central West Livestock Exchange was a success with approximately 60 people attending.
Attendees were a mixture of farmers, contract harvesters, transport companies, agricultural machinery retailers, government agencies, council staff and relevant associations. The event was supported by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, Transport for NSW, the Grain Transport Safety Network, NSW Police, SafeWork NSW, NSW Rural Fire Service, NSW Farmers and the Australian Custom Harvesters Association.
Parkes, Forbes and Lachlan Shire Councils’ Road Safety and Injury Prevention Officer, Melanie Suitor, said anecdotal feedback from attendees on the day was very positive.
“Regulations are constantly changing and events like this are important to ensure people are up to date on what’s required before the upcoming harvest period. Thanks to Forbes Machinery Centre, Hutcheon and Pearce, O’Connors, Bob Wythes, Luke Magill and Nina Hooper who were very generous in loaning equipment for the display.”
If you missed the field day, there will be free satellite events:
• Tuesday 27 August: Tottenham War Memorial Hall 7.30am – 10.15am
• Wednesday 28 August: Parkes Show Farmer’s Day 1.30pm – 3.45pm (please note: you will be required to pay the gate admission)
• Thursday 29 August: Wirrinya Community Hall 7.30am – 10.15am
• Friday 30 August: Bogan Gate Memorial Hall 7.30am – 10.15am
Register via link: