How old are you? 11 years old.
What School do you attend and what year are you in? Forbes North Public School, Year 6.
Were you named after anyone? No.
What three things would you like to pack in your lunch box every day? Chips, muffins and sandwiches.
If you could choose any job in the world, what would you do? Professional goalkeeper.
If you had to spend $10,000 today, how would you spend it? Food, clothes, iPhone and a house deposit.
What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done? Sliding down a giant waterslide andsnorkelling with Banjo Shark and Flathead.
If you could meet any historical person, who would that be? The Queen.
What makes you feel like dancing? Music, with someone else, being happy.
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? To be famous, to overcome my fears, write my wishes on a piece of paper and wish them all to come true.