Eugowra CWA member, Wendy Drady came first with her handmade doll in the CWA handicraft competition in Orange. She will be judged at the state competition in May next year. The Eugowra Branch came fourth overall.
Members decided to join the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) to help with worldwide projects such as supplying water to remote villages, setting up clinics and much more.
The plan for the May meeting is to tour the Adagio Mohair mill and to have lunch at Nile Street Café in Orange.
Planning has started for next year’s 90th anniversary in May of the Eugowra Branch. The very first project of the branch was to operate a maternity hospital at the house where Gwenda and Tony Rue now live. The hospital was opened in 1930. The first baby was Campbell Walter Athol Howell. In other news the Central West Group of
CWA donated $500 to the Sir Ivan fire appeal.
The Eugowra Branch will be holding a cake and craft stall at the Eugowra Country Fair on Saturday, 8th April. Any donations are welcome. The next meeting of the Eugowra Branch will be on Friday, 7th April at 10am with
guest speaker Garth England, a volunteer pilot from Angel Flight. He will do a presentation and talk on his experiences.
By Janet Noble