Red wine, tea and black coffee are known to stain teeth, but there are some foods that can actually help whiten teeth.
These are some of them:
1. Apples: Bite into an apple and you’re helping to strengthen your gums. Plus, the high water content in apples helps
increase the production of saliva. This in turn can help wash away bacteria that can lead to stained teeth.
2. Seeds and Nuts: Sunflower seeds, walnuts and almonds provide important trace minerals. Their abrasive texture
also helps to remove surface stains. Think of them as an exfoliator for your teeth.
3. Strawberries: The malic acid in strawberries can act as an astringent that can help reduce tooth discolouration. For a refreshing change, mash up a strawberry and use it as toothpaste!
4. Baking Soda: Speaking of toothpaste, try brushing with baking soda. This pantry staple acts like a bleaching agent,
scrubbing off plaque and surface stains.
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