The Parkes Painting Group are presenting their 16th annual art exhibition later this month. Parkes local artist, Helen Huntly, is part of the team that organises the exhibition.
Helen had an avid interest in art as a youth. “I would get in trouble from my Mum, for drawing in all the wrong places,” said Helen. The combination of raising four children, and doing shift work for many years, meant that Helen didn’t really start to paint or draw again until after she retired from nursing.
Helen did complete one year of art at TAFE, after which the course was cancelled. Now, she dabbles with acrylics, water-colours, pastels and even photography. “Wednesday is my selfish day – I don’t think about anything but colour and what I’m going to do with it,” said Helen.
The group meets at 10am every Wednesday at North Parkes Oval. There are approximately 20 people in the group, with numbers fluctuating week to week. All forms of art projects are explored, including painting, drawing, and pottery. Most members are contributing two-three pieces each for the exhibition. Contributing artists include Pol Cruz, Elsie Mahon, as well as Kath Swansbra, national award winner and champion for cake decoration. There will also be works by the exhibition’s guest artist, Susan Carter. Susan is a visual artist from Narromine, who also exhibited in the Australia Day Exhibition earlier this year.
The exhibition is being held in the Coventry Room at the Parkes Shire Library, 25 Bogan St, Parkes. Opening night will be Friday 27th April from 7pm with an entry fee of $10, and an official opening by Councillor Bill Jayet. A raffle will also be held, with proceeds going to Currajong Enterprises. The exhibition will remain open from Saturday 28th April til Thursday 3rd May from 10am-4pm, with an entry fee of $2.