I am pleased to welcome the announcement that the Parkes Shire will receive $1 million of funding from the NSW Government to fix local roads destroyed by floodwater. I would like to thank the Deputy Premier and Roads Minister for listening to our concerns and taking immediate action. Additionally, $1 million will be invested to investigate options to improve flood resistance of the Newell Highway at Tichborne, between Parkes and Forbes. As Council crews continue to inspect and repair the problem areas, motorists need to be extra careful when driving.
I am elated to announce that the next stage of the Parkes Regional Airport Business Park expansion is set to go ahead, thanks to a $1.56 million investment from the Coalition’s National Stronger Regions Fund. Minister for Regional Development Fiona Nash was in Parkes to make the announcement, which will ensure this important piece of infrastructure continues to deliver economic and social benefits to the entire region.
NAIDOC week will be celebrated this weekend with a colour run, sausage sizzle lunch, live performances and traditional dancing. Everyone is invited to share in the activities on Saturday, 15th October at Bushman’s Hill Indigenous Precinct from 11.30am – 5:00pm.
With the weather warming up, residents are encouraged to make a splash. The gates are now open to the Parkes Aquatic Centre with season tickets available from the pool kiosk. The Colour Parkes campaign is a great
excuse for residents to explore the Parkes Region by taking advantage of the special offers at our local attractions, shopping outlets and cafes. Download your Colour Pass from www.visitparkes.com.au to access the deals. Enjoy your weekend.
Yours Faithfully,
Cr Ken Keith OAM
Mayor of Parkes Shire