Welcome to all the Dancing Queens and Fernandos to the Parkes Shire for the 2017 Trundle ABBA Festival. This weekend we are expecting around 5,000 visitors to converge on Trundle for the annual event. A special welcome to the Ambassador of Sweden, Pär Ahlberger, who will be joining us on Saturday to be part of the festivities and officially open the event. Download the programme and purchase tickets at www. trundleabbafestival.com.
Council is delighted to share the draft of our first Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) with Parkes Shire residents. Council hosted a number of community engagement initiatives to gather the ideas and priorities of residents, carers and agency represent- atives to form the basis for the DIAP. The plan sets out the practical actions in which Council can help to create a more inclusive community. The DIAP is on public exhibition at Council’s Administration Building, Librar- ies and our website. I encourage everyone to review the document and provide us with feedback.
Next week Council’s fleet vehicles will display a yellow ribbon as part of National Road Safety Week 2017. The week focuses on improving outcomes for those who are vulnerable on our roads and highways and to remember those who have been killed or seriously injured and stand in solidarity with their loved ones. The yellow ribbons are a sign that our Council promotes safe driving and is committed to protecting vul- nerable road users. Residents can get in-
volved by taking the online pledge at www. sarahgroup.org.
Have a safe and fABBAlous week.
Yours Faithfully, Cr Ken Keith OAM Mayor of Parkes Shire