Parkes joined the rest of the country on Tuesday to get dressed up with hats or fascinators included, have lunch and watch the Melbourne Cup. The Railway Hotel laid out a spread in its brand new Hart Bar, while the Parkes Services Club (PSC) hosted a lunch for about 75 women in collaboration with Quota International Parkes.
Quota had a raffle and raised more than $500 for their charity projects. There were also prizes for best dressed, won by Penny Downes and Isabel Orange, while Bev Laing won the prize for the best fascinator. Lisa McHattan of the Little Black Dress was the fashion judge. Lucky door prizes and raffle prizes, donated by PSC, were won by
Lola Flint, Pam Patrick, Lisa McHattan and Narelle Pizzaro, as well as Colleen Staples, Jeanette Simpson, Narelle Pizzaro, Sue Nichols and Colleen Carter.