Employees of CMOC-Northparkes Mines have reached 1,000 hours of volunteering in the community. Northparkes designed its volunteer leave program in 2013 on the principle that the best contribution to the community could be made by its people. Northparkes Manager People, Safety and Environment Angus Wyllie said: “Northparkes
employees have taken ownership of the program; it’s great to see people proactively organising their own volunteer
projects and giving back to the community in which they live and work.”
Recent volunteer work included employees helping to prepare the Parkes and Forbes showgrounds ahead of the annual agricultural shows. Donna Shaw, who coordinated the Parkes showground cleanup, said: “There are a lot of not-for-profit organisations that need help. It makes me feel proud to know I have helped out in some way.”
Eighteen employees and six family members volunteered at the Trundle Bush Tucker day recently. Coordinator Cathy O’Grady said: “I especially like volunteering at Trundle Bush Tucker Day as this is the community that I grew up in; I feel I am giving back to this wonderful little town.”
A group of Northparkes volunteers also helped with sandbagging ahead of the Forbes floods. The mine plans to provide a group of volunteers to assist with the cleanup too. For more information about the Program or to request volunteer support, visit the Northparkes website or Facebook page, or call 6861 3621.