Rob Ehsman
How long have you lived in Parkes and what do you like most about living here? I have lived in Parkes for 10 years. I love the close proximity from home to my workplace, the lack of traffic, the tight knit community spirit, and the extra freedom we are able to allow our kids.
Where do you work or what do you do currently and what do you enjoy about it? I am a small business owner/operator of three separate businesses in signage, solar lighting and jumping castles in the Parkes and Forbes regions. After 26 years I still enjoy the creative side of signage; I enjoy the new technology and innovation that the solar lighting business brings and I
enjoy the different challenges that all three demand.
What do you do in your spare time and on weekends? When I have time, I like to watch my kids doing sport, and as a family we ride motorbikes and waterski. I also love lying on the lounge watching TV and not be disturbed, all that with a few beers in between.
What are you really good at? Lying on the lounge watching TV and not being disturbed.
If you could have a superpower what would it be? Flying would be pretty cool, so yes give me Superman’s powers.
What is your pet hate? People who don’t listen, or use their brain.
Tell us about your best holiday. Earlier this year in Bali when my beautiful partner and I celebrated our 12th anniversary with family and friends. We spent the last few days just with our four kids taking it easy.