Parkes Pony Club members had a special Mini Olympics day on 9th October with lots of fun and games. From lead lines to the more experienced riders, the members played special mounted games like mounted ball throwing, bending races in pairs, watched a dressage display by two of the members and took part in a 9 jump showjumping course. The members also enjoyed some unmounted games during the lunch break.
Prizes were awarded for all sorts of efforts which were generously sponsored by the Parkes Farm Centre. The next rally day for the club will be on 6th November when Jennifer Woods from Cudal will do a special clinic to learn new
skills and teaching techniques. The club welcomes people to come and watch on the day from 10am. This clinic is funded by the Northparkes Mines and Sports Council grants.
The club welcomes riders of all abilities and disciplines and is looking forward to being part of the Elvis Festival for 2017, hosting a stall in Cooke Park and taking part in the parade with some very special ponies.
By Sally Chapman