August is Pet Dental Health Month of the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA).
This year’s theme is Quality dental care is good medicine. Four out of five dogs and cats over the age of three years have some form of dental disease and it will often become more severe with age. Dental care is not only important for dogs and cats, but also smaller pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs. Pets may not show signs of dental issues and it is often missed or forgotten about by owners.
Periodontal disease, a bacterial infection of the mouth, is one of the most common problems in pets. If it goes untreated, severely affected teeth need to be removed and can lead to other serious problems such as infections in the kidneys, heart and liver.
In its early stages it is reversible. However, it can often go undetected until it is quite severe as pets often won’t show signs of pain.
Signs of periodontal disease to look out for include: bad breath; tartar build up on teeth; swollen, reddened or bleeding gums; broken teeth; reluctance to eat harderfoods or evidence of pus near the gums.
If you notice any of these signs in your pet it is best to get into contact with your veterinarian. Conducting an oral exam during your pet’s routine annual check-up can help identify any emerging dental health issues.
Just like we brush our teeth twice daily, preventative dental care is also important for all animals. (Source:
Visit Parkes Pet Barn at 6 Bogan Street for a good variety of items to choose from for your pet’s dental health.