Deputy Prime Minister, Nationals’ Leader and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack and NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole were in Parkes this week to inspect concept designs for the bypass project which has joint funding from the State and Federal governments.
“I am excited to see the project progressing,” Mr McCormack said.
“The 10.5 kilometre bypass will improve road efficiency, pedestrian access through Parkes and traffic flow. We will see increased reliability of trips for motorists and reduced travel time of up to 10 minutes compared to the existing route through town.”
“The goal is to reduce congestion and delays caused by the two rail level crossings and four 90-degree bends which are difficult for heavy vehicles to safely navigate on the current route,” Mr McCormack said.
Mr Toole said the bypass should remove more than 1000 trucks per day from local streets, and also facilitate connectivity to the Parkes Special Activation Precinct and the Inland Rail.
Parkes Shire Mayor and Chair of the Newell Highway Task Force Cr Ken Keith OAM said this is a great outcome for the Parkes Shire community.
“I encourage our community to provide feedback on the revised Concept Design while it’s on public display in the coming months,” Cr Keith said.
Local residents, business owners and road users are encouraged to attend the upcoming information sessions to find out more about the project.
The concept design and Review of Environmental Factors will be on display at rms.
work/parkesupgrade, at the Parkes Shire Council Administration Centre and Service NSW Parkes from Monday 1 July to Friday 9 August 2019.