Four projects totalling almost $900,000 will be delivered across the Parkes Shire to deliver new and upgraded facilities, infrastructure and programs that make a big difference to everyday life in the bush.
“In the Parkes Shire, we’re going to see over $843,584 invested across four projects,” said Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Premier Sam Farraway. Turf 1 hockey field will receive $483,584 for stage 2 of the $3 million redevelopment of the field. Tullamore Pool will receive $100,000 for upgrading the pools fibreglass shell.
A $200,000 grant has been allocated for a new pump track to be constructed next door to the skate park providing an all age and ability course for the community. The fourth project is $60,000 for Trundle Ladies Flex Their Muscles to purchase new exercise equipment.