The Peak Hill history machine was set in motion in recently when the community recently welcomed back four restored historical photographs. This signalled the beginning of the Peak Hill history restoration project run by the Peak Hill Consultative Committee.
The original Peak Hill Municipal Council building, now the Peak Hill Leisure Centre, contains a collection of historical photographs depicting past Peak Hill community life. The aim of the Peak Hill Consultative Committee is to restore, conserve and digitise these photographs.
The first set of four framed photographs that have been restored are images of the Peak Hill Municipal Council of 1897, 1939, 1953 and 1968. Members of the Peak Hill Consultative Committee, Peak Hill Leisure Art and Craft Council and Councillor Louise O’Leary were very pleased to welcome back the photographs. “This is the beginning for Peak Hill. Our heritage and stories will be restored and shared, and be available for everyone long into the future,” said Louise.
“The restored photographs are wonderful,” said Dick Baxter. Before being re-installed in their original locations in the Peak Hill Leisure Centre, the photographs will be on display at the Peak Hill show on Wednesday, 23rd August 2017.
This project has been assisted by funds allocated to the Royal Australian Historical Society through the Heritage Branch of the NSW Office of the Environment and Heritage.