Parkes Shire Council will be hosting seven community engagement workshops and a business breakfast for local industry to give residents the opportunity to have an input in future projects.
The Parkes 2030 campaign aims to review the priorities and aspi- rations set by the community to ensure they are still relevant and to pursue these over the next four year term of Council and beyond to the year 2030. Parkes Shire Mayor, Cr Ken Keith said: “Council rec- ognises that the involvement of residents and ratepayers is vital to setting the key directions for development over the next 12 years”.
“Through a series of workshops, we will discuss the delivery of the services, facilities and infrastructure that are needed to make our communities strong and ensure they are socially and economically sustainable.”
“I encourage all locals to join the conversation as we strive to de- liver progress and value to the Parkes Shire,” the Mayor said. Com- munity members are encouraged to join the conversations. Register your attendance via or call 6861 2333. If you are unable to attend, you can join in via Council’s social media pages or complete the online survey via The workshops dates are:
• Alectown Tuesday, 14th February Alectown Memorial Hall 6 – 8pm;
• Peak Hill Thursday, 16th February Peak Hill Ex-Services & Citizens
Club 6 – 8pm;
• TrundleThursday,23rdFebruaryTrundleServices&CitizensClub
6 – 8pm;
• ParkesBusinessBreakfastWednesday,1stMarchTheAastroDish
7 – 9am;
• Tullamore Wednesday, 1st March Tullamore Bowling Club 6 – 8pm;
Parkes Thursday, 2nd March Coventry Room, Parkes Shire Library
6 – 8pm;
• Bogan Gate Monday, 6th March Bogan Gate Memorial Hall 6 – 8pm; • Cookamidgera Wednesday, 8th March Cookamidgera Church Hall 6-8pm.