With the school holidays to start in two weeks’ time and Easter a week later, you might be planning a trip somewhere. Before you leave, it is vital to ensure your vehicle/ trailer/caravan combination is road worthy and safe.
Failure to abide by the towing regulations, including maximum loads, may result in a fine, or in the case of an accident, refusal of the insurance claim, and the possibility of further legal action.
At Tuned Suspension in Parkes, an agent for Pedders Suspension, you can get a tow and load assessment for $75. This world- first and comprehensive service is designed for those who tow or carry loads to better understand the effects of weight on their vehicle relevant to their individual driving scenarios.
The end result of the assessment will provide your vehicle weight relevant to the likely driving scenarios that you will face.
There are two main parts to the assessment, namely a brake, steering and sus- pension check and weight matrix.
The first check is to assess the general health of the vehicles brake, steering and suspension systems, which are the most safety-critical systems especially under the stress of additional weight from loads, tow- ing and accessories. The check includes the following:
Under car inspection of the vehicle’s entire steering and suspension system and other related undercar components.
Shock absorber test – as shock absorbers and suspension deteriorate over thou- sands of kilometres, it is often the case that a vehicle’s safety is gradually com- promised via increased braking distances, unstable cornering and various stability concerns.
Brake pad and rotor inspection will check and report on the wear and operating condition of these components.
A comprehensive written report will show the current status of all vital suspension and steering systems.
The Weight Matrix component of the as- sessment refers to knowing your weight now and looking at your weight in the fu- ture based on your towing and load carrying scenarios.
Pedders outlets have a test lane or scales to weigh both the front and rear of a vehicle. The results of this vehicle weight form the basis of the first as-weighed scenario.
As part of the initial weighing of the vehicle your current loads and accessories will be listed as the basis of the as weighed scenario 1.
Where relevant, the ball weight of caravans or trailers will be assessed as this is an integral part of some weight scenarios.
Armed with your vehicle’s current weight and expected weights from future scenari- os the weight matrix software program and report will provide key pieces of information for each different scenario.
The Pedders expert will be able to tailor a solution to ensure greater levels of safety and performance for your vehicle.